Siavash Namehshiri

Musician and Soundartist

Manoevre(Fix media_ 2ch, 11:10 _ 2021)

Manoevre combines Boids-algorithms (1986) by Craig Reynolds with the sounds of analog and digital modular synthesizers. Namehshiri weaves and combines these different elements to explore the connections between virtual creatures’ movements and the parameters from modular synthesis. The result is a profound track that speaks to us in a “swarmy ” language.

A Java-based code in Max MSP patch simulates a swarm. The swarm’s behavior is customized and scaled, influencing various parameters on the modular synthesizer such as pitch, modulation, freez, amplitude, tempo, and more. These matrix numbers are translated into MIDI outputs, which in turn control different aspects of a modular synthesizer. The synthesizer is a combination of Verbos Harmonic Oscillator and Serge modules.

During the research process into these behaviors and their musical influence, materials were recorded. These recorded materials were later transformed into a fixed media piece, the Manoevre .